Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Short Guide to Meta Tag Optimisation

In my last post i shared some of the best places on web to share you blog link . Backlinking is only a small part of the science or to say the art of SEO. To get the most out of your website it’s quite essential that search engines can identify your website and its content in the ever-growing internet.For this apart from having a good domain name and backlinks what you need to focus on is having a good list of Meta Tags.

So what are Meta Tags?

Meta tags

Meta tags

Well to be on top of SEO proper Meta tags are of paramount importance. Meta tags are actually the keywords that are included in the head of your web page, in-between the HTML tags, <head> and </head>. These tags were introduced by various search engines to better index the websites. Now provided the fact that most of us use search engines to surf the plethora of information on internet it is essential to get on a high search engine ranking .

So what are various Meta Tags?

There are various meta tags ,used to send different values to the search engines depending on the websites they are used with. Here is a list of the most common ones that are a ‘must have’ .:


Optionally these tags are also used


So what are these Tags and What information do they carry?

So now that we know what meta tags are lets see what data do these tags carry with them .


<TITLE>TechBU-A WordPress blog</TITLE>

Well the title tag is perhaps the most common and important part of your blog apart from its content. You must try to keep it concise and include the most important keywords in it.


<meta name= “description” content=”How to optimize your Meta Tags to get your website higher in search engine results.” />

Description tags are actually displayed by the search engines along with your title so these should describe your web page. Since many search engines will only display the first 20 characters it should be precise.




<meta name=”keywords”content=”Abstract,blog,Description,Keywords,language,Meta“>

This tag was previously used by search engines to determine rank you pages,it is no longer used by the major engines. The tag is a list of keywords and phrases. Each Keyword or keyword phrase is separated by a comma. Google doesn’t uses this tag, however if you include this tag the don’t use very long keywords.

Robot tag:

<META NAME=”ROBOTS”  CONTENTS=” index or noindex ,follow or nofollow“>

This tag is not generally used to rank your pages its just used to tall the search engines that which page is to be indexed and which they should just leave.

Here are the cases where you can use the meta tags:

<META NAME=”ROBOTS”  CONTENTS=” index ,follow“>

In this case the search engine will index(cache) your page and will follow all the links.

<META NAME=”ROBOTS”  CONTENTS=” index,nofollow“>

Here your page will be indexed but no links will be followed.

<META NAME=”ROBOTS”  CONTENTS=”noindex ,follow“>

Don’t index (cache) this page, but do follow the links.

<meta name=”robots” content=”noindex,nofollow”>

Don’t index the page and don’t follow the links.

So does that mean just Meta tag optimization will give me High PR?

Well you see meta tag optimization is just a part of the vast science of SEO.To get better indexed in the search engines meta tags will help you, but they ain’t gonna be a dramatic change . One must follow other SEO tips like backlinks, etc also But at the end of the day Content is the King so make sure you have  viral content. 

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