Friday, June 15, 2012

6 Wild New Patents: The Future Of Tech

New is always better, says Barney Stinson. We agree. New developments in technologies keep making our lives better and convenient. Tech giants keep filing patents for discoveries made by their R&D teams and are constantly involved in patent infringement lawsuits. This shows how competitive the market has become. We bring you a list of 6 wild patents filed by leading tech companies that will pleasantly surprise you.

1. Diary Free Calorimeter
Company: Microsoft

How would you like to have a device which could act as your dietician and trainer? This might soon turn into a reality as Microsoft has files its patent for a device which is your quintessential calorimeter.

The device will estimates nutritional caloric intake by periodically monitoring weight and sensing physical exercise, which can then be used in a calorimetric model derived from regression analysis of a population.

The device will be a wrist strap on which will sense heart rate, body temperature, skin resistance, motion/acceleration and velocity. This device is a super intelligent trainer and dietician combined.


2. Nose Bridge Sensor


Company: Google

Google glasses sound like one hell of a gadget if we go by the patents that Google has filed for it. The latest one is the nose bridge sensor.

Google glasses need to have a number of sensors which will work better if placed in a forward facing part of the device. Hence the nose bridge is the ideal spot for a video camera, a sonar sensor, an ultrasonic or possibly a microphone.

This technology could also be used to switch the device on when the presence of the nose is sensed between the nose bridges. The possibilities sound very interesting and we can’t wait to see how it turns out.


3. WiFi and GSM Landmarks and Neighborhoods for Location Based Services


Company: Microsoft

Every other location today has some form of wireless landmark information such as a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi access point. This new patent by Microsoft will capture and then send the information from these landmarks to mobile devices.

This new technology will create a complete map of the area for a mobile device based on the information provided through the visible access points.

4. Method, System, and Apparatus for Patient Controlled Access of Medical Records
Company: IBM

IBM’s patent will allow different platforms to access controlled medical information for patients, the information will be provided only when permission is granted by the patients.

The information stored in networks shall be shared with hospitals, pharmacies, research institutes, emergency services, laboratories, physicians and insurance companies. This technology can help save lives in case of emergencies and mishaps.



5. Method and Program Product for Preventing Distribution of an E-Mail Message
Company: IBM
This latest patent will surely come in handy for all the corporate and for people running them. Using this technology a user receiving mails will not be able to forward it to unintentional users. The mail will be received only by the recipient and will not be sent or forwarded to a third party.


6. Automatically Generating Nodes and Edges in an Integrated Social graph
Company: Facebook

Facebook has recently files two patents and one of them is a method for maintaining a data store for nodes and edges. This technology will be used to understand what information from a user is shared.

The technology will make it easier for Facebook to understand concepts Facebook users use to connect to other users. Because of this technology making recommendations will become easier.

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