Monday, June 11, 2012

6 Things That Can Ruin Your CV

1. Being too Subjective:

A CV can only be effective when the contents in it are in points. If it is in points it is very easy for the HR professionals to understand as well as it is helpful for them to grasp and draw meanings as soon as possible as they are suppose to review innumerable number of applications in a day. A resume must always be brief and to the point.

2. Unrelated job experience and hobbies:

Many job seekers make the mistake of filling in all the irrelevant information about their job experience and hobbies. It is better to avoid when it is not necessary, instead give all the relevant information on your job experience or anything which is related to the job you are going to pursue for which you have applied. While mentioning the hobbies, it will be good if you mention if you have something relevant to the post you are applying for.

3. Information about family members:


< br /> None of the organization is concerned about their employee’s family or relatives. Though there are some cases where some of the recruiters ask the potential employees about their immediate family background during the interviewing round, it is not relevant to mention the uncles and aunts’ name in your resume as it can create poor insight.

4. Marital Status:

Many make the mistake of including the marital status on the resume because the recruiter doesn’t judge or govern the first impression of their potential employee on the basis of marital status. It is just the relevance of your capabilities and your talent which matters a lot for them to match the job profile.

5. Religious outlooks:

Almost all the companies are unbiased when it comes to their religious outlooks and it should definitely not as well as should not make any sought of difference while choosing their employees even if they follow different religion.

6. Mentioning the word CV or Resume on the top:

It will be absolutely clear to recognize that it is a CV or Resume with the content it contains in the letter. So, it can be foolish if you start your resume by mentioning it as CV or resume.

Anyhow, this doesn’t mean that you should always follow fixed guidelines while building your profile. If you are innovative you can very well be appreciated by everyone. It will be your choice on how you are going to present your resume, but keep in mind if it is mentioned in point format it is really helpful for both you to impress the recruiters as well as for the recruiters to review the resume as fast as possible.

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