Monday, June 11, 2012

10 Important Companies in Cloud Computing

10. Verizon:
The $1.8 billion deal of Verizon acquiring the newbie Terremark has just been stated as one of the ground breaking deals in the cloud computing history. Since then Terremark has launched its Enterprise Private Cloud which is a single-tenant environment reportedly offering the level of security to enterprises and government agencies. Meanwhile Verizon also has grabbed Terremark’s co-founder and CTO John Considine who is renowned as the founder of cloud switch. But with other telco giants like Savvis, Global Crossing or even Tata Communications on the path, things are for sure to heat up this year.

9. VMware:
Seeing VMware being featured on the list usually may raise some eyebrows. But if you go through about their future projects and what they are about to bring to cloud computing, you are surely in for a surprise. Although VMware doesn’t offer any cloud services, the vCloud software is more than enough for VMware to be the best in cloud marketing business. The vCloud Director 1.5 software stands as a middleman for enterprises to get to private and public clouds. The vCloud Director 1.5 simply is software to build clouds. VMware boasts like about 100 clouds can be made using this software. But will this idea go all the way or will it remain nothing but a data provider, is still to be seen.
8. Linode:
If you ask a Linux user about his favorite cloud, then don’t be surprised in getting the same answer over and over again. Yes, it’s Linode who justifies its spot at number 8 in our top 10 cloud companies. There are many ways in handling clouds and Linode simply stands unique in this department. Linode builds cloud at a fixed cost- called Virtual Private Servers or VPS, which exact is the opposite of the normal, pay-as-you-go-model. So if you are talking about fixed cost clouds, then Linode is your answer.

7. has been on the scene for a decade and it’s time for them to make their presence felt. A company who were successful in enterprise cloud based solutions; Salesforce already has patched up for the next big step. Their $212 million acquisition of Heroku-which is a cloud for running your own home-grown applications, is seen as their initiation in cloud marketing. With this deal Salesforce has acquired Heroku’s technology and intellectual assets along with its famous ruby based applications, which will help them to establish a strong position in the cloud marketing

6. Citrix Systems:
Citrix has marked its position at the top as the best in cloud service provider along with some of the other well known companies. Citrix, who also builds software for clouds, has already started to put up some heat on other cloud developers like VMware.  Citrix made the big jump after acquiring the startup for a reported $200 + million. This gave Citrix the much needed access in the open source world. Later the introduction of Cloud Stack- open source software made Citrix the best in open source cloud market.

5. Red Hat:
Red Hat’s OpenShift has been in and out of controversies lately. The main reason was that it used Amazon’s AWS instead of its own data centers. But the reason why Red Hat features in our list is because of its popularity among Linux users. OpenShift helps users to load their applications into Amazon in an easy way. But the reason why OpenShift is so popular among Linux users is that this software is offered for free and it is one of the strong contenders against companies like VMware and Citrix.

4. Google:                                                                                  
One of the best out there, that’s Google for you. Recently Google has been doing a whole lot in tech, especially in cloud. Google has introduced Google App Engine where users can upload their applications, which includes Java and Python apps. Google Cloud Storage is now the most preferred alternative for enterprises to Amazon S3. Apps like Google Drive, Google CloudPrint, and Google Cloud Connect are just some of the software that Google is set to launch in the cloud platform. Not to mention the ChromeOS, where every user can run apps from the cloud instead of running from the system itself.

3. Microsoft:
Microsoft is a company that recently who’s been all over the place. Although Microsoft had its own mishaps, they are still hoping for the best in the cloud network. Azure, the cloud platform that Microsoft offers, is still one of the best in business. One of the standout features that Azure provides is the Media Services for streaming videos. Rumors are flying around that Azure is getting ready to be released in Linux platform. Microsoft has some of the best freebies in cloud market like Hotmail and Skydrive and also their enterprise cloud app called Office 365.

2. Rackspace:

Rackspace rose into fame with its open source methods for building clouds. The introduction of OpenStack made Rackspace the best in open source market. Rackspace is known for the best strategies that they undertook during the process.  Like VMware, Rackspace didn’t pay up for software they couldn’t control. So they tied hands with NASA and invented one of the best software up to date. Rackspacre invited programmers from all over the globe to help with codes and ideas which eventually lead to the improvement of OpenStack.

1. Amazon:

A company that was founded to sell books suddenly turned itself into a spark which lead to so many changes in the IT industry including cloud computing- that’s Amazon for you. And without a tinge of surprise its Amazon who is the best among companies in cloud computing. Amazon has delivered the best in terms of ideas, strategies and products. They always are ahead of the pack in cloud computing. Nothing but sheer determination and willingness is what brought Amazon to these heights. The Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the best in providing cloud services. Over the past 6 years Amazon has cut short the prices an astonishing 19 times. Although the annual revenues aren’t disclosed, reports say that Amazon received around $6 billion on 2011 which is not bad when compared to’s overall revenue of $48 billion.

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