Saturday, June 2, 2012

World's top 10 Online Pirate Nations

The U.S. government released America’s official piracy radar of 2012, a highest priority watch list of countries with highest piracy.

Many countries including India made it to the top 10 of the priority watch list, which said, “Online piracy is rapidly supplanting physical piracy in many markets around the world.” The list hopes to shame governments into cracking down on piracy and counterfeiting and updating their copyright laws.

Here are the high priority Pirate countries.


Russia is a hotbed of piracy where no copyright laws are followed. As an entertainment industry expert states it, “They’ll pirate everything in Russia.” It was Russia's 16th straight year on the list. But recently, due to the hard pressure from the entertainment industry, Russia had started to crack down on infringement.


Illegal audio and video copying is flourishing in Pakistan despite global efforts against it. Widespread counterfeiting and piracy, particularly book and optical disc remains the reason to put country in the watch list. According to the IFPI, Pakistani replication facilities are producing in excess of 230 million copies a year.


Israel remains on the priority watch list. In additional to online piracy, the Cable piracy rate is high in Israel. Very high penetration rates of broadband Internet favor the digital pirates that make the latest movies, music and TV series nearly immediately available. At one time, the piracy levels of Israel had reached 50 percent. Insufficient local legislation and enforcement were poor in fighting increasing Internet piracy in Israel.


Indonesia is one country which consistently tops the world rankings for piracy on the Web. The report says, “While Indonesia has smade positive efforts in 2011 to strengthen (intellectual property rights) protections, the United States was still “concerned that Indonesia’s enforcement efforts have not been effective in addressing challenges such as growing piracy over the Internet and the widespread availability of counterfeit pharmaceutical products.


India remains on the Priority Watch List in 2012. The report says India’s legal framework and enforcement system remain weak.  The challenge of piracy over the Internet continues to grow and the Copyright (Amendment) Bill, which India had passed in 2010 appears to have stalled.


Even though China remains under Government’s Big Wall of protection, the piracy rate in the country is high. 99% of all music downloads in China are illegal. The country has been on the priority watch list for eight years and subject to a special monitoring program. A wide range of rights holders reports serious obstacles to effective protection and enforcement of all forms of Intellectual Property rights in China, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and protection of pharmaceutical test data.


Chile continues to rank high as one of the countries with the worst rates of copyright and Internet piracy offenders. Additional to the internet piracy, the film industry is most suffering from pirates in Chile. In 2009, Chilean piracy caused filmmakers losses of US$15 million.


Canada remains on the Priority Watch List in 2012. The piracy watchdogs are forcing Canada to enact the long awaited copyright legislation, which will help the country to control piracy to some extend. According to the report, Canada's place on the list was "subject to review" if it enacts the legislation. Recently, the Government of Canada has given priority to the legislation.


Eventhough Argentina progress in taking action against the unauthorized distribution of pirated content over the Internet, the judicial system of the country remains inefficient to control the widespread availability of pirated and counterfeit goods.


Algeria remains on the Priority Watch List in 2012. The country had a low which bans the import of many products to favor the manufacture of local products. There is no protection against the unfair commercial use, as well as unauthorized disclosure of data, in the country.

Highest Paying Jobs At Google

A company is as strong as its weakest employee. Certainly a superpower like Google must have some exceptional talents working for it. A company must also handout hefty remunerations to keep this talent from going elsewhere. Let us take a look at howGoogle pays the people who make the search giants such a success.

1. Senior software engineer
Salary: $139,084
The gold is earned by the top most software engineers. They are the ones responsible for all the products that Google launches.

2. Research scientist
Salary: $121,547
Research scientists work on the fringe products of a company.  It is their knowledge and expertise which helps a tech company come up with offbeat products that have the capability of changing the world. Their expertise earns them a more than hefty pay package from Google.

3. Product manager
Salary: $119,495
A product manager is the person entirely responsible for a particular product. He has to work closely with the developers, engineers, sales and marketing departments and make sure that products become a success.

4. Sales engineer
Salary: $118,710
Sales engineers are the technical glue of a technical sale. They are responsible for letting the customers solve any issues with the product. Their expertise is required for the success of any product. They earn a lot for shouldering this responsibility.

5. Research engineer
Salary: $117,900
Google recently became a hardware company and they need seriously talented people to research in the hardware field. it is a new territory for Google and they need only the best in the industry to work for them in this field.

6. Software research engineer
Salary: $116,593
A tech company can survive only if it keeps itself ahead of the times. Google has engineers working on futuristic products which could become a reality someday. These people are responsible for all the cool stuff Google comes up with. Case in point,

7. Product marketing manager
Salary: $106,667
Google products are widely appreciated by users. Product marketing managers use heavy research to come up with products that will be well received by the world. Their work is very important.

8. Financial analyst
Salary: $104,819
Finances of the company are handles by financial analysts. They find out which product s is profitable and which ones are not. A handful of these financial analysts earn the big bucks at Google.

9. Software engineer
Salary: $103,436
The high numbers start here. Software engineers make google what it is today. Their work is to create codes for new products and services. Android, search etc all run because of them. Naturally they make money at Google.

10. User experience researcher
Salary: $95,320
Google needs to know how users react to their products. User experience researchers are responsible for this. Their work is crucial because they find out which product is working and which is not.

11. Site reliability engineer
Salary: $94,934
These people are very important since they make sure that search pages are working allright. A company can lose a lot of money if the site is down even for a few seconds. Therefore site reliability engineers in Google are paid well.

12. Database administrator
Salary: $94,420
Google is ideally known for its near magical search results. They have to crunch a large amount of data to make the search process run smoothly. Database administrators take care of all the data that Google has to process. These people are important and are paid relatively well.

13. Senior account manager
Salary: $89,778
Google pays its senior accounts managers a decent salary. Although it is nowhere close to what senior software developers make.

14. User interface designer
Salary: $87,661
The user interface of a company is how a user sees the company. Having a brilliantly designed UI is of great importance. But Google still pays its UI designers slightly more than its interns.

15. Network engineer
Salary: $87,219
Large organizations need a near perfect intranet service or else communication becomes difficult. This has a direct effect on the work that people have to do. Network enginers are the people responsible for keeping the internal networks working fine. Naturally they earn more than the sales people do.

16. Software engineer intern
Salary: $82,488
Surprise surprise!! Google pays its interns more than it pays its regular employees in sales and marketing. This clearly shows the love a tech company gives to its engineers. But it is understandable because a tech company is nothing without its engineers.

17. Business Analyst
Salary: $80,510
Analysts working for Google take home a slightly better salary than people in sales do. Their role is to keep a check on the overall working of a company and is a job that requires much more expertise.

18. Account manager
Salary: $68,188
Accounts managers are key people in a company who take care of the management of sales and also handle some important clients. Google does not hand out a very big salary package to account managers though.

19. AdWords associate
Salary: $53,538
AdWords is Google’s main advertising product and its primary source of income. But surprisingly sales people working for this platform do not make as much money as they make for Google.

20. Associate, online sales and operations
Salary: $50,200
Google is a tech company. They value their engineers much more than any other employees. So this does not come as a surprise that sales associates figure at the last spot on the list. But the advantage of having ‘worked for Google’ should make the relatively small pay package look a little better.

Country With the Highest Quality of Life

If you are curious to know in which countries people are most happy, then here is your answer. Listed below are 10 countries with the highest quality of life.
Factors included in determining are: income, housing, jobs, community, education, environment, civic engagement, health, life satisfaction, safety, and work-life balance.


In Luxembourg, the average person makes 35,321 USD a year, more than the OECD average of 22,387USD a year. 65 percent of the people aged 15 to 64 have a job, close to OECD employment average of 66 percent. In terms of literacy, 77 percent of adults aged 25-64 have earned the equivalent of a high-school degree, more than the OECD average of 74 percent. Life expectancy at birth in Luxembourg is 81 years, a year higher than the OECD average of 80 years. There is a strong sense of community and a good civic participation in Luxembourg where 95 percent of people believe that there is someone on whom they can count on in time of need. Voter turnout, which is a good indicator of public trust in government, was 91 percent in the recent elections. OECD average is 73 percent
In general, people in Luxembourg are more satisfied with their lives than the OECD average, with 74 percent of people saying they have more positive experiences in an average day than negative ones.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Google offers virtual tours of world famous sites

A virtual stroll among the ruins of Pompeii or into the temples of Kyoto is available to anyone with an Internet-connected device through Google's new World Wonders project.

The Mountain View, Calif.-based company is offering virtual tours of 132 famous sites in 18 countries as part of an expansion of its Google Art initiative.

The service includes information in six languages, photographs and video of historical places gathered using Google's Street View technology. Other sites include the Versailles Palace in Paris, Australia's Shark Bay and the Yosemite National Park.

Google launched the project Thursday in Madrid, saying its purpose is to support the preservation of historic places around the world and bring them to a wider audience.

The project is run in collaboration with the UN cultural agency UNESCO.

Samsung Galaxy S3 hits store shelves in India

Samsung Electronics launched its flagship Galaxy S3 smartphone in India on Thursday, making an aggressive push to counter Apple's popular iPhones in a competitive market.

The 16 GB smartphone, priced at 43,180 rupees in India, runs on the Android 4.0 platform and features a 4.8 inch screen.

The Galaxy S3, powered by Samsung's quad-core microprocessor, also tracks the user's eye movements to keep the screen from dimming or turning off while in use.

Samsung packs new features such as the S Voice, its equivalent of Apple's Siri, and launched its own music service on the device. The S3 also boasts of an 8 megapixel rear camera.

"India is one of the top three strategic markets in the world for Samsung," a company release quoted H.C. Ryu, Samsung's vice president of sales and marketing, as saying at the phone's launch in India.

The company is aiming to outsell its previous model S2 that helped the South Korean firm topple Apple as the world's largest smartphone maker.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Clipboard: A Slick New Way to Save and Share the Web

It’s tempting to compare Clipboard, a new service that’s launching today, to Pinterest. Actually, it’s irresistible: Clipboard, like Pinterest, lets you collect interesting tidbits from all over the web, then share them in “boards” which piece together all the tidbits on one page. And Clipboard, unlike Pinterest, lets you share web content of all sorts: images, videos, text and more, preserving the original layout and formatting.

But Clipboard isn’t just a Pinterest variant. It’s also a way to save parts of the web for later reference without ever sharing them with anyone else — something I’ve been doing lately with Evernote — and therefore a useful research tool as much as an exercise in social networking.

You save stuff to Clipboard by using a special bookmark (or a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox) which lets you hover your mouse on any web page and highlight either the entire page or part of it, such as an image, a snippet of text, a video, or a combination thereof. Once the elements you want are highlighted, you click. Clipboard then saves them to your Clipboard, allowing you to tag it and either keep it private, share it with other members or publish it so it’s completely public.

When you clip text and images, Clipboard makes a copy, so they’re preserved even if the original web page changes or vanishes. For content such as videos and Flash elements, it embeds the original version rather than trying to clone it.

(How will publishers feel about Clipboard copying their articles and photos onto its own servers, sans any original advertising? Well…I’m not sure. But the company’s founder, Gary Flake, told me that it, like YouTube, will remove items when copyright holders request a takedown. It’s also working on a Clipboard button which publishers will be able to add to their pages, giving them the ability to help visitors clip specific elements, such as a movie listing.)

You can comment on publicly clipped items, like them, reclip them onto your own Clipboard and share them to Facebook and Twitter. You can also search for tags and text within clips, and can follow other users. If the service takes off, it could become a pretty engaging way to learn, share and generally be social around any topic. Here, for instance, is a public Clipboard that’s all about The Avengers, and here’s one about the president of the United States.

Clipboard’s core technology — the ability to grab chunks of any web page, detach them from the original site and preserve them in their original form — is so ambitious that it’s a wonder that it works at all. And truth to tell, I found that it worked well most of the time, but not all of the time. When I tried to save a Google Map, I got aCAPTCHA instead, and an story lost its first paragraph. With any luck,  the service will be able to reduce the number of glitchy clips over time; in other respects, it’s already polished, inviting and full of potential.

The Clipboard folks are finishing up work on a mobile-friendly version of the service. (I found that browsing Clipboards on my iPad worked okay, but there’s no way to save new items from Safari.) I’m going to try using it to preserve web articles I’ll need later — and as long as I’m at it, I’m going to share them with the world.

If you give Clipboard a test drive, let us know what you think.

Apple CEO sees TV as area of

Apple Inc (AAPL.O) Chief Executive Tim Cook said technology for televisions was of "intense interest" but stressed the company's efforts would unfold gradually amid speculation the iPad and iPhone maker was on the brink of unveiling a revolutionary iTV.

In one of his more revealing interviews since assuming the helm of the world's most valuable company, Cook also said he hoped someday to see Apple products manufactured in the United States and outlined his approach to managing an organization long-associated with its late founder Steve Jobs.

"Another thing that Steve taught us all is to not to be focused on the past," Cook told this year's All Things Digital conference, an annual gathering of A-list technology and media executives in the upscale California coastal resort town of Rancho Palos Verdes.

Industry insiders and executives say Apple may unveil a TV-based device in late 2012 or 2013 that has the potential to shake up the cozy television content and distribution industry the way the iPod and iPhone disrupted music and mobile content, but Cook has steered clear of commenting on that issue directly.

"This is an area of intense interest for us," Cook said, referring to Apple's existing television set-top box product. "We're going to keep pulling this string and see where it takes us."

When asked specifically if Apple was making a television set, Cook said he was not going to answer that question.

Apple already sells a $99 set top box called Apple TV that streams Netflix and other content. Cook, who has previously said the Apple TV product had a hobby status inside the company, noted the company was sticking with it despite not being known as a "hobby kind of company."

"Here's the way we would look at that, not just at this area but other areas, and ask can we control the key technology?" he said in response to a question about how Apple thinks about improving the television experience for consumers. "Can we make a significant contribution, far beyond what others have done in this area? Can we make a product that we would want?"

Apple has been in negotiations with content companies for its devices. It began talks earlier this year to stream films owned by EPIX, which is backed by three major movie studios.

The company has a good relationship with content owners and doesn't see the need to own a content business, Cook said, adding he has met with several people in that business recently.


In wide-ranging remarks, Cook said he would like to see more of the company's products assembled at home than in China and contain more U.S. components such as semiconductors.

Apple has been criticized for relying on low-cost Asian manufacturers to assemble its products and for contributing to the decline of the U.S. manufacturing sector.

Cook, who took the helm of the world's most valuable technology company in August shortly before founder Steve Jobs died, said manufacturing in the United States was difficult because of declining tool-and-die manufacturing expertise, among other things, but he was working on it.

"There are things that can be done in the U.S., not just for the U.S. market but that can be exported for the world," Cook said. "On the assembly piece, could that be done in the U.S.? I hope so, again, one day," he added.

Apple's final assembly is done through Asian contract manufacturers, particularly Taiwan's Foxconn Technology Group and its listed entity Hon Hai Precision. Cook noted that Apple does some component manufacturing in the United States, including the main microchip that runs the iPhone and iPad.

Apple makes the A5 processor in a 1.6 million square-foot factory in Austin, Texas, owned by Korean electronic giant Samsung Electronics (005930.KS).

Cook also said some of the glass for the iPhone and iPad is made in a plant in Kentucky.

The CEO talked about how the iPad was just in the "first innings," but declined to say what was in store for it next.

He reiterated his belief that many consumers will use the iPad more than computers. In response to a question about PC software-maker Microsoft Corp's (MSFT.O) efforts to enter the tablet market, Cook brushed off the threat.

"The more you look at the tablet as a PC, the more the baggage from the past affects the product," he said.

Apple released the iPad in 2010 and it has quickly defined the tablet computer market, selling more than 67 million units so far.


The 51-year old Cook said he spends less time focused on marketing and design as CEO than his predecessor, who Cook said spent "virtually all of his time on those two things."

At a company the size of Apple, Cook said, having a strong team is critical.

"You could have an S on your chest and a cape on your back and not be able to do everything," said Cook, who later cited Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr as well as Walt Disney Co Chief Executive Bob Iger as figures that he looks up to.

Cook also discussed efforts to make the company more transparent on certain issues, such as supplier responsibility and environmental matters, but stressed he was committed to preserving Apple's culture.

One Jobs legacy that Cook flagged is Apple's well-known penchant for going to great lengths to keep details of new products under tight wraps, noting that he planned to "double down on secrecy" on products.

But he suggested Apple would not be constrained by its past.

"I love museums, but I don't want to live in one," he said.

Facebook‘s Acquisition of Gives a New Look to Search

With Facebook’s acquisition of reportedly a done deal, all of the focus is on what the merger will do for Facebook’s mobile efforts. But there may be more to the deal than just mobile.

“Give us 14 images of you,” Google’s Eric Schmidt famously told the Technology Conference in 2010, “and we can find other images of you with 95% accuracy.”

That was impressive at the time, and that 95% is probably much higher now. But what was more impressive is that the feature, which isn’t available on Google Image Search, is expected to be offered first by As the Web becomes increasingly visual, image search is going to become increasingly important, and an acquisition of may be the strongest signal yet thatFacebook is positioning itself to go toe-to-toe with Google in search.

The inevitable implications of enhanced image search are huge. One of the biggest reasons it hasn’t been launched on Google Image Search and has only been launched on a limited basis on Facebook is that the computing power hasn’t quite caught up to allow for quick searches based on facial recognition algorithms. But that is rapidly changing.

PCWorld has a comprehensive look at the good and bad of facial recognition technology, with plenty of space devoted to the increased privacy concerns. As Eli Pariser noted in The Filter Bubble, “The ability to search by face will shatter many of our cultural illusions about privacy and anonymity... [it will be] as if the whole Internet has been tagged on Facebook.”

Neither company is commenting on the deal, but there are widespread reports that Facebook would pay between $80 million and $100 million for the Israeli startup.

The rumor, coupled with recent acquisitions of photosharing apps Instagram and Lightbox and the release of its own Facebook Camera app, make it clear that Facebook is betting on a visual Web for its future growth. But it also shows that Facebook is putting the money it raised in its initial public offering to work, acquiring companies instead of going through the process of developing new products, features and services in-house.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Request your E-book


The E-book which you are searching for is very costly ... !!!?

Do not worry, Just write your e-book name as comment in this post


you will get link of that in very short time.

Google can do complex calculation..!!

Google is a full-fledged calculator. You'll understand this when you start typing math equations into the search box. Try a simple problem such as 5 X 2, and press Search. Google immediately goes into calculator mode, showing you the answer instantaneously. Want to get fancy? 

A math calculation such as 5*9+(sqrt 10)3 is as easy for Google as 2+2.

Install MAC Os on PC

Step 1: Requirements

Mac OS X Lion .dmg file
Two USB drives of 8Gb capacity.
A Mac or a Hackintosh PC (I used Snow Leopard insalled on my T61). After Step 2 step you would not be needing a Mac or an already hackintoshed PC we just need to make a USB drive have the LION instance.
iBoot EFI bootloader. Download it from google search.
Your PC Laptop – remember to have full battery juice, don’t take chances
Your laptop’s hard drive should either be partitioned (recommended) or you need to give up the existing Windows installation or you can insert a empty hard drive just before Step 4
Step 2: Setup

Now boot into the Mac (or hackintoshed PC) that you have and mount the Mac OS X Lion .dmg file
Bring up the ‘terminal’ and type in
open /Volumes/Mac OS X Install ESD/BaseSystem.dmg
Connect your 8Gb USB drive
Bring up ‘Disk utility’ and format the USB drive with GUID partition table and Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as the file system.
Now Restore Mac OS X Base System from BaseSystem.dmg to the USB drive.
Navigate to the Finder and locate the newly restored drive.
Delete ‘Packages’ from System -> Installation folder that is present inside the restored USB drive.
Now create a folder with the same name (‘Packages’) under System -> Installation of your restored USB drive.
Bring up the terminal again and enter:-
open /Volumes/Mac OS X Install ESD/Packages
Copy the contents into the newly created Packages folder.
Now within your Mac/ Hackintosh, navigate to Extra -> Extensions and location the kernel extension FakeSMC.kext.
Copy over ‘FakeSMC.kext’ to System -> Library -> Extensions folder inside the USB drive.
Fix permissions for this newly droped kext by pulling up the terminal and typing in
sudo su<br/>
[enter your password]<br/>
chown –R 0:0 FakeSMC.kext<br/>
chmod –R 755 FakeSMC.kext<br/>
Step 3: Installing iBoot
This is probably the easiest of all steps, won’t take more than a few minutes. We would be installing iBoot so that we can boot in with the Mac OS X Lion.dmg

Get the iBoot EFI bootloader zip file (you might have downloaded in during Step 1). Extract it and run iBOOTiBOOT Setup Tool (Windows)iBOOT_SetupToolBeta.2.exe
Now plug in the other USB drive (that was not involded in step 2 and which is still empty) and click on Format USB Drive.
Pull it out and push it back in and now click on Setup iBoot. (See Image below)
The DSDT and EFI drivers can now be added to the respective folders within the file system inside the USB drive
Step 4: Installing Mac OS X Lion

Plug in both the USB drives
Restart your PC and go to BIOS, change boot preferences and make your USB drive (the one that contains the iBoot setup) to have preference of booting over other hardware devices
Restart and boot through the USB drive that has iBOOT setup.
An interface with drives will be visible. If it is not, then press U to increase the resolution or D to decrease the resolution so as to make the interface appear.
Refresh the loader by pressing V. All available drives should be visible now.
Now press M and set boot flag as -v.
Select the USB drive that reads Mac OS X Base System and hit enter to continue installation on it. This has to be the drive that was used in Step 2.
The user interface is now pretty intuitive, fill in the langugage, time zone etc details and move forward with the installation.
When asked to select the drive to install OS X LION on (follow Step 2 (substep 7 through 15) HERE ON POST STATED BEST TECHNOLOGY STEP), select the drive cautiously. If you are trying to install Windows and Mac OS X on the same drive, then be sure to select the partition when Windows is not installed. Else if you are using a brand new drive or are willing to let Mac OS X Lion take over your existing Windows setup then select the drive of your choice
Note down the name of the partition that you have installed OS X LION on. It would be required in Step 5. Here I have installed the OS on OSX99bits
Lo an Behold – take a look at the LION (it pretty much looks the same as Snow Leopard, but for the default wallpaper )
Step 5: Finalizing the package

After the installation is complete and once you restart the system, you still won’t be able to boot into the Mac OS X LION. We’ll make it happen in the follow steps.
Now, when you restart the system, boot in with the USB drive with iBOOT setup.
Select Mac OS X Base System to boot into.
Now bring up the ‘Terminal’ and type in the following:-
cd /Volumes/OSX99bits/System/Library/CoreServices/
rm -rf PlatformSupport.plist
cd /Volumes/Mac OS X Base System/System/Library/Extensions/
cp -R FakeSMC.kext /Volumes/OSX99bits/System/Library/Extensions/
chown -R 0:0 /Volumes/OSX99bits/System/Library/Extensions/FakeSMC.kext
chmod -R 755 /Volumes/OSX99bits/System/Library/Extensions/FakeSMC.kext
Now restart your PC and boot in using the USB Drive containing iBoot, this time into the volume where you installed OS X LION (here it is OSX99bits)
You would now be welcomed by OS X LION with a Video (hopefully with Sound working ). Create an account to login and enjoy riding the LION!
Step 6: MISC (Optional)
If your installation is working all fine and you are happy with it, then you can skip this step. If however, you feel there is a chance for improvement and you want additional stuff, then here’s how:-

Install the following kexts
NullCPUManagement.kext: overrides AppleIntelCPUManagement.kext, which might cause kernel panics in case of incompatible DSDT.
ElliotForceLegacyRTC.kext: Prevents the CMOS Reset
EvOreboot.kext: you can restart and shutdown your computer!! hooray!
To make NVidia drivers work, install NVDAResman.kext and NVDAFG100hal.kext into /System/Library/Extensions/ and delete GeForce.kext that’s present in the same directory
Step 1: Requirements and Pre-installation Setup

Download Empire EFI. You can get it from this link or you can search on google – it should be pretty easy to find multiple locations where you can download this file from.
Now the file would ideally be an ISO. Burn the ISO file on a CD.
You can buy Snow Leopard from Amazon, or buy/arrange it from elsewhere
An empty hard drive – even a 20Gb one would be enough. Installation at the bare minimum takes about 8.2Gb. A spare drive is recommended so that nothing goes wrong with your primary Windows operating system.
Make sure you have a dual layer DVD reader.
Important: Replace your hard drive with the empty hard drive that you’d want to have Snow Leopard on.
Step 2: Installation

Now since you do not have anything on your hard drive, your system won’t boot. Restart the system and go to BIOS setup
Arrange the boot order in such a way so that the DVD drive gets a higher boot priority than the hard drive.
Enable AHCI. Save and Exit BIOS
Push in your Empire EFI disk. The system should now pick up and will start booting from the disk. You might have to press enter once or twice.
After you get to the screen where it shows EMPIRE EFI disk and your hard drive, eject the Empire EFI CD and push in the Snow Leopard DVD.
After a few seconds, Press F5 and the screen should now be showing your hard drive and ‘Mac OS X Installation DVD’. From arrow keys, navigate to the installer DVD and press enter.
You might have to press enter once more until you see Snow Leopard’s purple wallpaper and a langugage selection dialog. Click Next, OK, Accept whenever required until you reach the screen that asks you to select the drive on which you’d want to install snow leopard.
At this moment, click on ‘Utilities -> Disk Utility’. Now select the hard drive’s first most icon. Then from the right hand side, select the Partitions tab.
From drop down, select 1 partition. Now the format type should be ‘Mac OS Journaled (Extended)’. Click on ‘Options’ button and select GUID partition table. Click OK.
Write down a name for the partition (change from Untitled to let’s say OS X). Click Apply.
Your new partition will be created in just a minute. Close Disk Utility by clicking on the red button at the top left of the window. The installation wizard would re-appear in a couple of seconds.
Select the newly created partition. Now click on customize and remove the checkbox from ‘Foreign Languages’, ‘Printers’, ‘XTerminal’ and whatever you think you don’t need – all this to save space and make installation a little faster
Now carry on with the installation by clicking OK, Next, Accept whenever required.
Skip registration and internet connectivity wizard – you can set these things up afterwards.
After entering your user account credentials, you’d see a ‘Installation Successful’ screen (see picture below) and the system would restart.
Now quickly eject the Snow Leopard DVD and slam in the Empire EFI CD. If you get a little late, then restart the computer so that it now boots form Empire EFI CD.
When you reach the selection screen, you’d see your Snow Leopard hard drive option – using arrow keys move to that one and press enter.
Snow leopard would now start booting and you’d be welcomed by the same purple sky screen with a dock menu and Empire EFI disk icon on the desktop.
Step 3: Post installation

You would have noticed that you had to take the help of Empire EFI disk to boot into Snow Leopard. Can’t do this every time.. right!
Now double-click on the Empire EFI disk icon that you see on the screen and navigate to ‘Post Installation’ folder inside it.
Double click on ‘My Hack….’ program to run it with default option selected.
This will prepare a boot-loader for your newly installed mac and you should now be able to boot into the system without the need of empire efi disk
Restart the computer and try to boot in. If all goes well then you are all set, else boot in using Empire EFI disk and go to the same ‘Post Installation’ folder.
There you’d find ‘chameleon boot…..’ file. Run that one and it should fix the problem.
You might notice that some of your hardware doesn’t seem to be working. You’d have to installed kexts (same as hardware drivers of Windows operating systems) to make them work.
kext utility is one great tool that lets you install kexts without any hassle – you just need to drag the kext to the kext utility and it does everything else by itself.
Best place to find kexts for your hardware is You have to sign-up to be able to download anything from this site, but signing up and downloading id free.

Install MAC Os X on PC

Step 1: Requirements

Mac OS X Lion .dmg file
Two USB drives of 8Gb capacity.
A Mac or a Hackintosh PC (I used Snow Leopard insalled on my T61). After Step 2 step you would not be needing a Mac or an already hackintoshed PC we just need to make a USB drive have the LION instance.
iBoot EFI bootloader. Download it from google search.
Your PC Laptop – remember to have full battery juice, don’t take chances
Your laptop’s hard drive should either be partitioned (recommended) or you need to give up the existing Windows installation or you can insert a empty hard drive just before Step 4
Step 2: Setup

Now boot into the Mac (or hackintoshed PC) that you have and mount the Mac OS X Lion .dmg file
Bring up the ‘terminal’ and type in
open /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESD/BaseSystem.dmg
Connect your 8Gb USB drive
Bring up ‘Disk utility’ and format the USB drive with GUID partition table and Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as the file system.
Now Restore Mac OS X Base System from BaseSystem.dmg to the USB drive.
Navigate to the Finder and locate the newly restored drive.
Delete ‘Packages’ from System -> Installation folder that is present inside the restored USB drive.
Now create a folder with the same name (‘Packages’) under System -> Installation of your restored USB drive.
Bring up the terminal again and enter:-
open /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESD/Packages
Copy the contents into the newly created Packages folder.
Now within your Mac/ Hackintosh, navigate to Extra -> Extensions and location the kernel extension FakeSMC.kext.
Copy over ‘FakeSMC.kext’ to System -> Library -> Extensions folder inside the USB drive.
Fix permissions for this newly droped kext by pulling up the terminal and typing in
sudo su<br/>
[enter your password]<br/>
chown –R 0:0 FakeSMC.kext<br/>
chmod –R 755 FakeSMC.kext<br/>
Step 3: Installing iBoot
This is probably the easiest of all steps, won’t take more than a few minutes. We would be installing iBoot so that we can boot in with the Mac OS X Lion.dmg

Get the iBoot EFI bootloader zip file (you might have downloaded in during Step 1). Extract it and run \iBOOT\iBOOT Setup Tool (Windows)\iBOOT_SetupToolBeta.2.exe
Now plug in the other USB drive (that was not involded in step 2 and which is still empty) and click on Format USB Drive.
Pull it out and push it back in and now click on Setup iBoot. (See Image below)
The DSDT and EFI drivers can now be added to the respective folders within the file system inside the USB drive
Step 4: Installing Mac OS X Lion

Plug in both the USB drives
Restart your PC and go to BIOS, change boot preferences and make your USB drive (the one that contains the iBoot setup) to have preference of booting over other hardware devices
Restart and boot through the USB drive that has iBOOT setup.
An interface with drives will be visible. If it is not, then press U to increase the resolution or D to decrease the resolution so as to make the interface appear.
Refresh the loader by pressing V. All available drives should be visible now.
Now press M and set boot flag as -v.
Select the USB drive that reads Mac OS X Base System and hit enter to continue installation on it. This has to be the drive that was used in Step 2.
The user interface is now pretty intuitive, fill in the langugage, time zone etc details and move forward with the installation.
When asked to select the drive to install OS X LION on (follow Step 2 (substep 7 through 15) HERE ON POST STATED BEST TECHNOLOGY STEP), select the drive cautiously. If you are trying to install Windows and Mac OS X on the same drive, then be sure to select the partition when Windows is not installed. Else if you are using a brand new drive or are willing to let Mac OS X Lion take over your existing Windows setup then select the drive of your choice
Note down the name of the partition that you have installed OS X LION on. It would be required in Step 5. Here I have installed the OS on OSX99bits
Lo an Behold – take a look at the LION (it pretty much looks the same as Snow Leopard, but for the default wallpaper )
Step 5: Finalizing the package

After the installation is complete and once you restart the system, you still won’t be able to boot into the Mac OS X LION. We’ll make it happen in the follow steps.
Now, when you restart the system, boot in with the USB drive with iBOOT setup.
Select Mac OS X Base System to boot into.
Now bring up the ‘Terminal’ and type in the following:-
cd /Volumes/OSX99bits/System/Library/CoreServices/
rm -rf PlatformSupport.plist
cd /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Base\ System/System/Library/Extensions/
cp -R FakeSMC.kext /Volumes/OSX99bits/System/Library/Extensions/
chown -R 0:0 /Volumes/OSX99bits/System/Library/Extensions/FakeSMC.kext
chmod -R 755 /Volumes/OSX99bits/System/Library/Extensions/FakeSMC.kext
Now restart your PC and boot in using the USB Drive containing iBoot, this time into the volume where you installed OS X LION (here it is OSX99bits)
You would now be welcomed by OS X LION with a Video (hopefully with Sound working ). Create an account to login and enjoy riding the LION!
Step 6: MISC (Optional)
If your installation is working all fine and you are happy with it, then you can skip this step. If however, you feel there is a chance for improvement and you want additional stuff, then here’s how:-

Install the following kexts
NullCPUManagement.kext: overrides AppleIntelCPUManagement.kext, which might cause kernel panics in case of incompatible DSDT.
ElliotForceLegacyRTC.kext: Prevents the CMOS Reset
EvOreboot.kext: you can restart and shutdown your computer!! hooray!
To make NVidia drivers work, install NVDAResman.kext and NVDAFG100hal.kext into /System/Library/Extensions/ and delete GeForce.kext that’s present in the same directory
Step 1: Requirements and Pre-installation Setup

Download Empire EFI. You can get it from this link or you can search on google – it should be pretty easy to find multiple locations where you can download this file from.
Now the file would ideally be an ISO. Burn the ISO file on a CD.
You can buy Snow Leopard from Amazon, or buy/arrange it from elsewhere
An empty hard drive – even a 20Gb one would be enough. Installation at the bare minimum takes about 8.2Gb. A spare drive is recommended so that nothing goes wrong with your primary Windows operating system.
Make sure you have a dual layer DVD reader.
Important: Replace your hard drive with the empty hard drive that you’d want to have Snow Leopard on.
Step 2: Installation

Now since you do not have anything on your hard drive, your system won’t boot. Restart the system and go to BIOS setup
Arrange the boot order in such a way so that the DVD drive gets a higher boot priority than the hard drive.
Enable AHCI. Save and Exit BIOS
Push in your Empire EFI disk. The system should now pick up and will start booting from the disk. You might have to press enter once or twice.
After you get to the screen where it shows EMPIRE EFI disk and your hard drive, eject the Empire EFI CD and push in the Snow Leopard DVD.
After a few seconds, Press F5 and the screen should now be showing your hard drive and ‘Mac OS X Installation DVD’. From arrow keys, navigate to the installer DVD and press enter.
You might have to press enter once more until you see Snow Leopard’s purple wallpaper and a langugage selection dialog. Click Next, OK, Accept whenever required until you reach the screen that asks you to select the drive on which you’d want to install snow leopard.
At this moment, click on ‘Utilities -> Disk Utility’. Now select the hard drive’s first most icon. Then from the right hand side, select the Partitions tab.
From drop down, select 1 partition. Now the format type should be ‘Mac OS Journaled (Extended)’. Click on ‘Options’ button and select GUID partition table. Click OK.
Write down a name for the partition (change from Untitled to let’s say OS X). Click Apply.
Your new partition will be created in just a minute. Close Disk Utility by clicking on the red button at the top left of the window. The installation wizard would re-appear in a couple of seconds.
Select the newly created partition. Now click on customize and remove the checkbox from ‘Foreign Languages’, ‘Printers’, ‘XTerminal’ and whatever you think you don’t need – all this to save space and make installation a little faster
Now carry on with the installation by clicking OK, Next, Accept whenever required.
Skip registration and internet connectivity wizard – you can set these things up afterwards.
After entering your user account credentials, you’d see a ‘Installation Successful’ screen (see picture below) and the system would restart.
Now quickly eject the Snow Leopard DVD and slam in the Empire EFI CD. If you get a little late, then restart the computer so that it now boots form Empire EFI CD.
When you reach the selection screen, you’d see your Snow Leopard hard drive option – using arrow keys move to that one and press enter.
Snow leopard would now start booting and you’d be welcomed by the same purple sky screen with a dock menu and Empire EFI disk icon on the desktop.
Step 3: Post installation

You would have noticed that you had to take the help of Empire EFI disk to boot into Snow Leopard. Can’t do this every time.. right!
Now double-click on the Empire EFI disk icon that you see on the screen and navigate to ‘Post Installation’ folder inside it.
Double click on ‘My Hack….’ program to run it with default option selected.
This will prepare a boot-loader for your newly installed mac and you should now be able to boot into the system without the need of empire efi disk
Restart the computer and try to boot in. If all goes well then you are all set, else boot in using Empire EFI disk and go to the same ‘Post Installation’ folder.
There you’d find ‘chameleon boot…..’ file. Run that one and it should fix the problem.
You might notice that some of your hardware doesn’t seem to be working. You’d have to installed kexts (same as hardware drivers of Windows operating systems) to make them work.
kext utility is one great tool that lets you install kexts without any hassle – you just need to drag the kext to the kext utility and it does everything else by itself.
Best place to find kexts for your hardware is You have to sign-up to be able to download anything from this site, but signing up and downloading id free.

Google releases power usage

Google has revealed how much energy it consumes to power YouTube, Gmal and its other services in the internet ‘cloud’ – and it’s enough to power the capital of Utah.

Google added the figures in ‘The Big Picture’ section of its Google Green website on Thursday.

The numbers show Google’s data centers use 260million watts – enough to power a city of 100,000 to 200,000 people.

Salt Lake City, Utah, by comparison, has a population of 186,440.

Google releases power usage

Government cell phone tracker

The government has their own cell phone tracker called The Stingray which was brought up in a court case. Once brought up in the court case to the judge the government was unwilling to reveal the full details. It was recently revealed in a criminal case in Arizona. Asked if it requires a search warrant, the government filed a memo basically arguing both ways: it said Stingray use generally doesn’t require a warrant, but concedes that one was required in this specific instance — a huge concession that could cost them the case, just so the Stingray’s design and functionality remain a secret.

Although the government’s lawyers are willing to tie themselves in knots trying to conceal the Stingray, we do have some information on how it works: experts told the WSJ that it mimics an actual cell tower pinging for a specific device, and the data can be used to triangulate a phone’s location. It can be concealed in the back of a van and measure the distance to any type of cell phone from multiple locations — circles drawn from each point will intersect within 100 meters of the phone’s location. Our FBI contact told us that tracking a cellphone normally requires a wireless provider’s cooperation, which could take weeks to obtain — the Stingray simplifies investigations because cell towers aren’t needed. We’ll see what happens — if it comes down to keeping the Stingray a secret or allowing law enforcement to track anyone they want without a warrant, we suppose we prefer the first.

I bet its on the black market now….

New iOS 5.1.1 Untethered JailBreak Absinthe 2

The new jailbreak for iOS 5.1.1 has finally arrived and is easier then ever to jailbreak your iOS device. This Jailbreak is one of the easiest untethered Jailbreaks to date. The process is so simple I dont even have to explain how to jailbreak your device and you will be able to jailbreak your iOS device with the click of 1 botton.

The process is simple:
1. Go to link:
2. Scroll down and download the jailbreak for your OS (Windows,Linux, or OS X)
3. Open the Program
4. Plug your Device into your computer
5. Click Jailbreak
4. Enjoy

J2EE Tutorial-9(Creating the Enterprise Bean)

An enterprise bean is a server-side component that contains the business logic of an application. At runtime, the application clients execute the business logic by invoking the enterprise bean's methods. The enterprise bean in our example is a stateless session bean called ConverterEJB. The source code for ConverterEJB is in thej2eetutorial/examples/src/ejb/converter directory.

Coding the Enterprise Bean

The enterprise bean in this example requires the following code:

  • Remote interface

  • Home interface

  • Enterprise bean class

Coding the Remote Interface

A remote interface defines the business methods that a client may call. The business methods are implemented in the enterprise bean code. The source code for the Converter remote interface follows.

import javax.ejb.EJBObject;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.math.*;

public interface Converter extends EJBObject {
public BigDecimal dollarToYen(BigDecimal dollars)
throws RemoteException;
public BigDecimal yenToEuro(BigDecimal yen)
throws RemoteException;

Coding the Home Interface

home interface defines the methods that allow a client to create, find, or remove an enterprise bean. The ConverterHome interface contains a single create method, which returns an object of the remote interface type. Here is the source code for the ConverterHome interface:

import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import javax.ejb.CreateException;
import javax.ejb.EJBHome;

public interface ConverterHome extends EJBHome {
Converter create() throws RemoteException, CreateException;

Coding the Enterprise Bean Class

The enterprise bean class for this example is called ConverterBean. This class implements the two business methods, dollarToYen and yenToEuro, that the Converter remote interface defines. The source code for the ConverterBean class follows.

import java.rmi.RemoteException; 
import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
import java.math.*;

public class ConverterBean implements SessionBean {

BigDecimal yenRate = new BigDecimal("121.6000");
BigDecimal euroRate = new BigDecimal("0.0077");

public BigDecimal dollarToYen(BigDecimal dollars) {
BigDecimal result = dollars.multiply(yenRate);
return result.setScale(2,BigDecimal.ROUND_UP);
} public BigDecimal yenToEuro(BigDecimal yen) {
BigDecimal result = yen.multiply(euroRate);
return result.setScale(2,BigDecimal.ROUND_UP);
} public ConverterBean() {}
public void ejbCreate() {}
public void ejbRemove() {}
public void ejbActivate() {}
public void ejbPassivate() {}
public void setSessionContext(SessionContext sc) {}

Compiling the Source Files

Now you are ready to compile the remote interface (, home interface (, and the enterprise bean class (

  1. In a terminal window, go to the j2eetutorial/examples directory.

  2. Type the following command:

       ant converter

This command compiles the source files for the enterprise bean and the J2EE application client. It places the resulting class files in thej2eetutorial/examples/build/ejb/converter directory (not the src directory). For more information about ant, see How to Build and Run the Examples.

Note: When compiling the code, the preceding ant task includes the j2ee.jar file in the classpath. This file resides in the lib directory of your J2EE SDK installation. If you plan on using other tools to compile the source code for J2EE components, make sure that the classpath includes the j2ee.jar file.

Packaging the Enterprise Bean

To package an enterprise bean, you run the New Enterprise Bean wizard of the deploytool utility. During this process, the wizard performs the following tasks:

  • Creates the bean's deployment descriptor

  • Packages the deployment descriptor and the bean's classes in an EJB JAR file

  • Inserts the EJB JAR file into the application's ConverterApp.ear file

After the packaging process, you can view the deployment descriptor by selecting ToolsDescriptor Viewer.

To start the New Enterprise Bean wizard, select FileNewEnterprise Bean. The wizard displays the following dialog boxes.

  1. Introduction dialog box

    1. Read the explanatory text for an overview of the wizard's features.

    2. Click Next.

  2. EJB JAR dialog box

    1. Select the Create New JAR File In Application button.

    2. In the combo box, select ConverterApp.

    3. In the JAR Display Name field, enter ConverterJAR.

    4. Click Edit.

    5. In the tree under Available Files, locate the j2eetutorial/examples/build/ejb/converter directory. (If the converter directory is many levels down in the tree, you can simplify the tree view by entering all or part of the converter directory's path name in the Starting Directory field.)

    6. Select the following classes from the Available Files tree and click Add: Converter.classConverterBean.class, and ConverterHome.class. (You may also drag and drop these class files to the Contents text area.)

    7. Click OK.

    8. Click Next.

  3. General dialog box

    1. Under Bean Type, select the Session radio button.

    2. Select the Stateless radio button.

    3. In the Enterprise Bean Class combo box, select ConverterBean.

    4. In the Enterprise Bean Name field, enter ConverterEJB.

    5. In the Remote Home Interface combo box, select ConverterHome.

    6. In the Remote Interface combo box, select Converter.

    7. Click Next.

  4. Transaction Management dialog box

    1. Because you may skip the remaining dialog boxes, click Finish.

J2EE Tutorial-8 (Creating the J2EE Application)

The sample application contains three J2EE components: an enterprise bean, a J2EE application client, and a Web component. Before building these components, you will create a new J2EE application called ConverterApp and will store it in an EAR file named ConverterApp.ear.

  1. In deploytool, select FileNewApplication.

  2. Click Browse.

  3. In the file chooser, navigate to j2eetutorial/examples/src/ejb/converter.

  4. In the File Name field, enter ConverterApp.ear.

  5. Click New Application.

  6. Click OK.

J2EE Tutorial-7 (Setting up Environment)

Before you start developing the example application, you should follow the instructions in this section.

Getting the Example Code

The source code for the components is in j2eetutorial/examples/src/ejb/converter, a directory that is created when you unzip the tutorial bundle. If you are viewing this tutorial online, you need to download the tutorial bundle from 

Getting the Build Tool (ant)

To build the example code, you'll need installations of the J2EE SDK and ant, a portable make tool. For more information, see the section How to Build and Run the Examples.

Checking the Environment Variables

The installation instructions for the J2EE SDK and ant explain how to set the required environment variables. Verify that the environment variables have been set to the values noted inTable 2-1.


Table 2-1 Required Environment Variables
Environment Variable
JAVA_HOMEThe location of the J2SE SDK installation
J2EE_HOMEThe location of the J2EE SDK installation
ANT_HOMEThe location of the ant installation
PATHShould include the bin directories of the J2EE SDK, J2SE, and ant installations


Starting the J2EE Server

To launch the J2EE server, open a terminal window and type this command:

j2ee -verbose

Although not required, the verbose option is useful for debugging.

To stop the server, type the following command:

j2ee -stop

Starting the deploytool

The deploytool utility has two modes: command line and GUI. The instructions in this chapter refer to the GUI version. To start the deploytool GUI, open a terminal window and type this command:


J2EE Tutorial-6 (Reference Implementation Software)

The J2EE SDK is a noncommercial operational definition of the J2EE platform and specification made freely available by Sun Microsystems for demonstrations, prototyping, and educational use. It comes with the J2EE application server, Web server, relational database, J2EE APIs, and complete set of development and deployment tools. You can download the J2EE SDK from 

The purpose of the J2EE SDK is to allow product providers to determine what their implementations must do under a given set of application conditions, and to run the J2EE Compatibility Test Suite to test that their J2EE products fully comply with the specification. It also allows application component developers to run their J2EE applications on the J2EE SDK to verify that applications are fully portable across all J2EE products and tools.

Database Access

The relational database provides persistent storage for application data. A J2EE implementation is not required to support a particular type of database, which means that the database supported by different J2EE products can vary. See the Release Notes included with the J2EE SDK download for a list of the databases currently supported by the reference implementation.


The Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) SDK is required to run the J2EE SDK and provides core APIs for writing J2EE components, core development tools, and the Java virtual machine. The J2EE SDK provides the following APIs to be used in J2EE applications.

Enterprise JavaBeans Technology 2.0

An enterprise bean is a body of code with fields and methods to implement modules of business logic. You can think of an enterprise bean as a building block that can be used alone or with other enterprise beans to execute business logic on the J2EE server.

There are three kinds of enterprise beans: session beans, entity beans, and message-driven beans. Enterprise beans often interact with databases. One of the benefits of entity beans is that you do not have to write any SQL code or use the JDBC API directly to perform database access operations; the EJB container handles this for you. However, if you override the default container-managed persistence for any reason, you will need to use the JDBC API. Also, if you choose to have a session bean access the database, you have to use the JDBC API.


The JDBC API lets you invoke SQL commands from Java programing language methods. You use the JDBC API in an enterprise bean when you override the default container-managed persistence or have a session bean access the database. With container-managed persistence, database access operations are handled by the container, and your enterprise bean implementation contains no JDBC code or SQL commands. You can also use the JDBC API from a servlet or JSP page to access the database directly without going through an enterprise bean.

The JDBC API has two parts: an application-level interface used by the application components to access a database, and a service provider interface to attach a JDBC driver to the J2EE platform.

Java Servlet Technology 2.3

Java Servlet technology lets you define HTTP-specific servlet classes. A servlet class extends the capabilities of servers that host applications accessed by way of a request-response programming model. Although servlets can respond to any type of request, they are commonly used to extend the applications hosted by Web servers.

JavaServer Pages Technology 1.2

JavaServer Pages technology lets you put snippets of servlet code directly into a text-based document. A JSP page is a text-based document that contains two types of text: static template data, which can be expressed in any text-based format such as HTML, WML, and XML, and JSP elements, which determine how the page constructs dynamic content.

Java Message Service 1.0

The JMS is a messaging standard that allows J2EE application components to create, send, receive, and read messages. It enables distributed communication that is loosely coupled, reliable, and asynchronous. For more information on JMS, see the online Java Message Service Tutorial: 

Java Naming and Directory Interface 1.2

The JNDI provides naming and directory functionality. It provides applications with methods for performing standard directory operations, such as associating attributes with objects and searching for objects using their attributes. Using JNDI, a J2EE application can store and retrieve any type of named Java object.

Because JNDI is independent of any specific implementations, applications can use JNDI to access multiple naming and directory services, including existing naming and directory services such as LDAP, NDS, DNS, and NIS. This allows J2EE applications to coexist with legacy applications and systems. For more information on JNDI, see the online JNDI Tutorial: 

Java Transaction API 1.0

The Java Transaction API ("JTA") provides a standard interface for demarcating transactions. The J2EE architecture provides a default auto commit to handle transaction commits and rollbacks. An auto commit means that any other applications viewing data will see the updated data after each database read or write operation. However, if your application performs two separate database access operations that depend on each other, you will want to use the JTA API to demarcate where the entire transaction, including both operations, begins, rolls back, and commits.

JavaMail API 1.2

J2EE applications can use the JavaMail API to send e-mail notifications. The JavaMail API has two parts: an application-level interface used by the application components to send mail, and a service provider interface. The J2EE platform includes JavaMail with a service provider that allows application components to send Internet mail.

JavaBeans Activation Framework 1.0

The JavaBeans Activation Framework ("JAF") is included because JavaMail uses it. It provides standard services to determine the type of an arbitrary piece of data, encapsulate access to it, discover the operations available on it, and create the appropriate JavaBeans component to perform those operations.

Java API for XML Processing 1.1

XML is a language for representing text-based data so the data can be read and handled by any program or tool. Programs and tools can generate XML documents that other programs and tools can read and handle. The Java API for XML Processing ("JAXP") supports processing of XML documents using DOM, SAX, and XSLT. JAXP enables applications to parse and transform XML documents independent of a particular XML processing implementation.

For example, a J2EE application can use XML to produce reports, and different companies that receive the reports can handle the data in a way that best suits their needs. One company might put the XML data through a program to translate the XML to HTML so it can post the reports to the Web, another company might put the XML data through a tool to create a marketing presentation, and yet another company might read the XML data into its J2EE application for processing.

J2EE Connector Architecture 1.0

The J2EE Connector architecture is used by J2EE tools vendors and system integrators to create resource adapters that support access to enterprise information systems that can be plugged into any J2EE product. A resource adapter is a software component that allows J2EE application components to access and interact with the underlying resource manager. Because a resource adapter is specific to its resource manager, there is typically a different resource adapter for each type of database or enterprise information system.

Java Authentication and Authorization Service 1.0

The Java Authentication and Authorization Service ("JAAS") provides a way for a J2EE application to authenticate and authorize a specific user or group of users to run it.

JAAS is a Java programing language version of the standard Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) framework that extends the Java 2 Platform security architecture to support user-based authorization.

Simplified Systems Integration

The J2EE platform is a platform-independent, full systems integration solution that creates an open marketplace in which every vendor can sell to every customer. Such a marketplace encourages vendors to compete, not by trying to lock customers into their technologies but by trying to outdo each other by providing products and services that benefit customers, such as better performance, better tools, or better customer support.

The J2EE APIs enable systems and applications integration through the following:

  • Unified application model across tiers with enterprise beans

  • Simplified response and request mechanism with JSP pages and servlets

  • Reliable security model with JAAS

  • XML-based data interchange integration with JAXP

  • Simplified interoperability with the J2EE Connector Architecture

  • Easy database connectivity with the JDBC API

  • Enterprise application integration with message-driven beans and JMS, JTA, and JNDI

You can learn more about using the J2EE platform to build integrated business systems by reading J2EE Technology in Practice.


The J2EE reference implementation provides an application deployment tool and an array of scripts for assembling, verifying, and deploying J2EE applications and managing your development and production environments. See Appendix B for a discussion of the tools.

Application Deployment Tool

The J2EE reference implementation provides an application deployment tool (deploytool) for assembling, verifying, and deploying J2EE applications. There are two versions: command line and GUI.

The GUI tool includes wizards for:

  • Packaging, configuring, and deploying J2EE applications

  • Packaging and configuring enterprise beans

  • Packaging and configuring Web components

  • Packaging and configuring application clients

  • Packaging and configuring resource adaptors

In addition, configuration information can be set for each component and module type in the tabbed inspector panes.


Table 1-1 lists the scripts included with the J2EE reference implementation that let you perform operations from the command line.


Table 1-1 J2EE Scripts 
j2eeStart and stop the J2EE server
cloudscapeStart and stop the default database
j2eeadminAdd JDBC drivers, JMS destinations, and connection factories for various resources
keytoolCreate public and private keys and generate X509 self-signed certificate
realmtoolImport certificate files, add J2EE users to and remove J2EE users from the authentication and authorization list for a J2EE application
packagerPackage J2EE application components into EAR, EJB JAR, application client JAR, and WAR files
verifierVerify that EAR, EJB JAR, application client JAR, and WAR files are well-formed and comply with the J2EE specification
runclientRun a J2EE application client
cleanupRemove all deployed applications from the J2EE server