Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Install MAC Os on PC

Step 1: Requirements

Mac OS X Lion .dmg file
Two USB drives of 8Gb capacity.
A Mac or a Hackintosh PC (I used Snow Leopard insalled on my T61). After Step 2 step you would not be needing a Mac or an already hackintoshed PC we just need to make a USB drive have the LION instance.
iBoot EFI bootloader. Download it from google search.
Your PC Laptop – remember to have full battery juice, don’t take chances
Your laptop’s hard drive should either be partitioned (recommended) or you need to give up the existing Windows installation or you can insert a empty hard drive just before Step 4
Step 2: Setup

Now boot into the Mac (or hackintoshed PC) that you have and mount the Mac OS X Lion .dmg file
Bring up the ‘terminal’ and type in
open /Volumes/Mac OS X Install ESD/BaseSystem.dmg
Connect your 8Gb USB drive
Bring up ‘Disk utility’ and format the USB drive with GUID partition table and Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as the file system.
Now Restore Mac OS X Base System from BaseSystem.dmg to the USB drive.
Navigate to the Finder and locate the newly restored drive.
Delete ‘Packages’ from System -> Installation folder that is present inside the restored USB drive.
Now create a folder with the same name (‘Packages’) under System -> Installation of your restored USB drive.
Bring up the terminal again and enter:-
open /Volumes/Mac OS X Install ESD/Packages
Copy the contents into the newly created Packages folder.
Now within your Mac/ Hackintosh, navigate to Extra -> Extensions and location the kernel extension FakeSMC.kext.
Copy over ‘FakeSMC.kext’ to System -> Library -> Extensions folder inside the USB drive.
Fix permissions for this newly droped kext by pulling up the terminal and typing in
sudo su<br/>
[enter your password]<br/>
chown –R 0:0 FakeSMC.kext<br/>
chmod –R 755 FakeSMC.kext<br/>
Step 3: Installing iBoot
This is probably the easiest of all steps, won’t take more than a few minutes. We would be installing iBoot so that we can boot in with the Mac OS X Lion.dmg

Get the iBoot EFI bootloader zip file (you might have downloaded in during Step 1). Extract it and run iBOOTiBOOT Setup Tool (Windows)iBOOT_SetupToolBeta.2.exe
Now plug in the other USB drive (that was not involded in step 2 and which is still empty) and click on Format USB Drive.
Pull it out and push it back in and now click on Setup iBoot. (See Image below)
The DSDT and EFI drivers can now be added to the respective folders within the file system inside the USB drive
Step 4: Installing Mac OS X Lion

Plug in both the USB drives
Restart your PC and go to BIOS, change boot preferences and make your USB drive (the one that contains the iBoot setup) to have preference of booting over other hardware devices
Restart and boot through the USB drive that has iBOOT setup.
An interface with drives will be visible. If it is not, then press U to increase the resolution or D to decrease the resolution so as to make the interface appear.
Refresh the loader by pressing V. All available drives should be visible now.
Now press M and set boot flag as -v.
Select the USB drive that reads Mac OS X Base System and hit enter to continue installation on it. This has to be the drive that was used in Step 2.
The user interface is now pretty intuitive, fill in the langugage, time zone etc details and move forward with the installation.
When asked to select the drive to install OS X LION on (follow Step 2 (substep 7 through 15) HERE ON POST STATED BEST TECHNOLOGY STEP), select the drive cautiously. If you are trying to install Windows and Mac OS X on the same drive, then be sure to select the partition when Windows is not installed. Else if you are using a brand new drive or are willing to let Mac OS X Lion take over your existing Windows setup then select the drive of your choice
Note down the name of the partition that you have installed OS X LION on. It would be required in Step 5. Here I have installed the OS on OSX99bits
Lo an Behold – take a look at the LION (it pretty much looks the same as Snow Leopard, but for the default wallpaper )
Step 5: Finalizing the package

After the installation is complete and once you restart the system, you still won’t be able to boot into the Mac OS X LION. We’ll make it happen in the follow steps.
Now, when you restart the system, boot in with the USB drive with iBOOT setup.
Select Mac OS X Base System to boot into.
Now bring up the ‘Terminal’ and type in the following:-
cd /Volumes/OSX99bits/System/Library/CoreServices/
rm -rf PlatformSupport.plist
cd /Volumes/Mac OS X Base System/System/Library/Extensions/
cp -R FakeSMC.kext /Volumes/OSX99bits/System/Library/Extensions/
chown -R 0:0 /Volumes/OSX99bits/System/Library/Extensions/FakeSMC.kext
chmod -R 755 /Volumes/OSX99bits/System/Library/Extensions/FakeSMC.kext
Now restart your PC and boot in using the USB Drive containing iBoot, this time into the volume where you installed OS X LION (here it is OSX99bits)
You would now be welcomed by OS X LION with a Video (hopefully with Sound working ). Create an account to login and enjoy riding the LION!
Step 6: MISC (Optional)
If your installation is working all fine and you are happy with it, then you can skip this step. If however, you feel there is a chance for improvement and you want additional stuff, then here’s how:-

Install the following kexts
NullCPUManagement.kext: overrides AppleIntelCPUManagement.kext, which might cause kernel panics in case of incompatible DSDT.
ElliotForceLegacyRTC.kext: Prevents the CMOS Reset
EvOreboot.kext: you can restart and shutdown your computer!! hooray!
To make NVidia drivers work, install NVDAResman.kext and NVDAFG100hal.kext into /System/Library/Extensions/ and delete GeForce.kext that’s present in the same directory
Step 1: Requirements and Pre-installation Setup

Download Empire EFI. You can get it from this link or you can search on google – it should be pretty easy to find multiple locations where you can download this file from.
Now the file would ideally be an ISO. Burn the ISO file on a CD.
You can buy Snow Leopard from Amazon, or buy/arrange it from elsewhere
An empty hard drive – even a 20Gb one would be enough. Installation at the bare minimum takes about 8.2Gb. A spare drive is recommended so that nothing goes wrong with your primary Windows operating system.
Make sure you have a dual layer DVD reader.
Important: Replace your hard drive with the empty hard drive that you’d want to have Snow Leopard on.
Step 2: Installation

Now since you do not have anything on your hard drive, your system won’t boot. Restart the system and go to BIOS setup
Arrange the boot order in such a way so that the DVD drive gets a higher boot priority than the hard drive.
Enable AHCI. Save and Exit BIOS
Push in your Empire EFI disk. The system should now pick up and will start booting from the disk. You might have to press enter once or twice.
After you get to the screen where it shows EMPIRE EFI disk and your hard drive, eject the Empire EFI CD and push in the Snow Leopard DVD.
After a few seconds, Press F5 and the screen should now be showing your hard drive and ‘Mac OS X Installation DVD’. From arrow keys, navigate to the installer DVD and press enter.
You might have to press enter once more until you see Snow Leopard’s purple wallpaper and a langugage selection dialog. Click Next, OK, Accept whenever required until you reach the screen that asks you to select the drive on which you’d want to install snow leopard.
At this moment, click on ‘Utilities -> Disk Utility’. Now select the hard drive’s first most icon. Then from the right hand side, select the Partitions tab.
From drop down, select 1 partition. Now the format type should be ‘Mac OS Journaled (Extended)’. Click on ‘Options’ button and select GUID partition table. Click OK.
Write down a name for the partition (change from Untitled to let’s say OS X). Click Apply.
Your new partition will be created in just a minute. Close Disk Utility by clicking on the red button at the top left of the window. The installation wizard would re-appear in a couple of seconds.
Select the newly created partition. Now click on customize and remove the checkbox from ‘Foreign Languages’, ‘Printers’, ‘XTerminal’ and whatever you think you don’t need – all this to save space and make installation a little faster
Now carry on with the installation by clicking OK, Next, Accept whenever required.
Skip registration and internet connectivity wizard – you can set these things up afterwards.
After entering your user account credentials, you’d see a ‘Installation Successful’ screen (see picture below) and the system would restart.
Now quickly eject the Snow Leopard DVD and slam in the Empire EFI CD. If you get a little late, then restart the computer so that it now boots form Empire EFI CD.
When you reach the selection screen, you’d see your Snow Leopard hard drive option – using arrow keys move to that one and press enter.
Snow leopard would now start booting and you’d be welcomed by the same purple sky screen with a dock menu and Empire EFI disk icon on the desktop.
Step 3: Post installation

You would have noticed that you had to take the help of Empire EFI disk to boot into Snow Leopard. Can’t do this every time.. right!
Now double-click on the Empire EFI disk icon that you see on the screen and navigate to ‘Post Installation’ folder inside it.
Double click on ‘My Hack….’ program to run it with default option selected.
This will prepare a boot-loader for your newly installed mac and you should now be able to boot into the system without the need of empire efi disk
Restart the computer and try to boot in. If all goes well then you are all set, else boot in using Empire EFI disk and go to the same ‘Post Installation’ folder.
There you’d find ‘chameleon boot…..’ file. Run that one and it should fix the problem.
You might notice that some of your hardware doesn’t seem to be working. You’d have to installed kexts (same as hardware drivers of Windows operating systems) to make them work.
kext utility is one great tool that lets you install kexts without any hassle – you just need to drag the kext to the kext utility and it does everything else by itself.
Best place to find kexts for your hardware is You have to sign-up to be able to download anything from this site, but signing up and downloading id free.

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