Wednesday, May 30, 2012

J2EE Tutorial-7 (Setting up Environment)

Before you start developing the example application, you should follow the instructions in this section.

Getting the Example Code

The source code for the components is in j2eetutorial/examples/src/ejb/converter, a directory that is created when you unzip the tutorial bundle. If you are viewing this tutorial online, you need to download the tutorial bundle from 

Getting the Build Tool (ant)

To build the example code, you'll need installations of the J2EE SDK and ant, a portable make tool. For more information, see the section How to Build and Run the Examples.

Checking the Environment Variables

The installation instructions for the J2EE SDK and ant explain how to set the required environment variables. Verify that the environment variables have been set to the values noted inTable 2-1.


Table 2-1 Required Environment Variables
Environment Variable
JAVA_HOMEThe location of the J2SE SDK installation
J2EE_HOMEThe location of the J2EE SDK installation
ANT_HOMEThe location of the ant installation
PATHShould include the bin directories of the J2EE SDK, J2SE, and ant installations


Starting the J2EE Server

To launch the J2EE server, open a terminal window and type this command:

j2ee -verbose

Although not required, the verbose option is useful for debugging.

To stop the server, type the following command:

j2ee -stop

Starting the deploytool

The deploytool utility has two modes: command line and GUI. The instructions in this chapter refer to the GUI version. To start the deploytool GUI, open a terminal window and type this command:


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