Friday, June 15, 2012

J2EE Tutorial-12(Specifying the JNDI Names)

Although the J2EE application client and the Web client access the same enterprise bean, their code refers to the bean's home by different names. The J2EE application client refers to the bean's home asejb/SimpleConverter, but the Web client refers to it as ejb/TheConverter. These references are in the parameters of the lookup calls. In order for the lookup method to retrieve the home object, you must map the references in the code to the enterprise bean's JNDI name. Although this mapping adds a level of indirection, it decouples the clients from the beans, making it easier to assemble applications from J2EE components.

To map the enterprise bean references in the clients to the JNDI name of the bean, follow these steps.

  1. In the tree, select ConverterApp.

  2. Select the JNDI Names tab.

  3. To specify a JNDI name for the bean, in the Application table locate the ConverterEJB component and enter MyConverter in the JNDI Name column.

  4. To map the references, in the References table enter MyConverter in the JNDI Name for each row.

Figure 2-1 shows what the JNDI Names tab should look like after you've performed the preceding steps.


Figure 2-1 ConverterApp JNDI Names

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