Saturday, June 9, 2012

8 Big Changes Geeks Expect from Apple in June Conference

Some people are hard to please. Such is the case with these new age techies who want Apple to bring in changes in their already existing line of awesome products. Ranging from retina display to better application development tools, their list is long. Here is a list compiled by Business Insider of the 8 changes that developers want Apple to announce in its big WWDC conference in June.

1. Next line of Mac should have High Resolution Retina Displays:

The geeks want their screens to come to life. "We're really hoping Apple begins introducing Macs with high resolution retina displays," said Dustin MacDonald, a designer and engineer for Acrylic Software.

There are rumors afloat in the market that Mac will have high resolution displays similar to the ones iPhone and iPad. There have been reports which quote sources who claim to have seen a prototype of the new MacBook Pro, which has 'jaw-dropping' Retina display.

The high resolution displays will make the iMacs much more expensive but we don’t hear anyone complaining.

2. A simpler way to coordinate and share information between apps:

Android and Windows platforms provide users a simple method to integrate information between apps. Developers want apple to come up with something similar"I'd love to see Apple give us a better way to coordinate and share between apps," said Josh Abernathy, a developer at GitHub and founder of Maybe Apps to Business Insider.

They want something similar to the Charms Bar on Windows 8 which allows users to perform a same action with several applications at once. A change on these lines will surely end up saving a lot of time and hassle for coders worldwide.

3. Siri should be integrated with other apps:

Siri has been a disappointment so far. But that can change if Apple makes changes to integrate Siri with other iOS applications. It would be very interesting if other applications could develop their own verb set for Siri.

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could ask Siri to read the latest status updates on Facebook for you? If Apple does this, it would let "other apps get to extend themselves with Siri in whatever way they choose.” says Kevin Fox, a former designer with Google and Mozilla. Apple should really try to make siri a better application or be ready to face the backlash.

4. Data sharing should be made easier on iCloud:

It is much more difficult for users to share data with friends and family on iCloud as compared to DropBox. Developers expect apple to make data sharing easier on their cloud platform.

"While having the ability to sync all your data across a variety of devices is essential, one of the biggest missing features is the ability to seamlessly share iCloud data (not just publish a URL)," said Milen Dzhumerov, co-founder of The Cosmic Machine and one of the developers behind EventBox.

5. Update the existing application development tools so they don't crash every single day:

Developers complain that every new version of Xcode has bugs that make it crash every day. "The current development tools which exist, Xcode and Instruments, have been rapidly changing over the past two years. However, every release of Xcode is very buggy.” Ash Furrow, the lead iOS developer for 500px says. "It crashes on me more than once a day and, after speaking with other developers, this is pretty typical.”

The simple request to Apple is to develop coding tools that do not crash several times a day.

6. Deeper integration between Facebook and most iPhone apps:

Techies are getting hooked on to networking sites, making them a common activity throughout the day. It would do them good if apple brought about a deeper integration between Facebook and other apps.

Apple had introduced a deeper integration of iOS 5 with Twitter last year. Geeks want Apple to develop something similar for iOS6 and Facebook. "Facebook sign-on is still a pain on all mobile platforms - having Facebook be integrated with iOS6 would be a huge win!" says Akshay Kothari co-founder of the Pulse news reader app.

7. Open up the API to enable push notifications for more apps:

Apple is very strict about protecting its API. Developers are not open to some APIs which makes it impossible to integrate features like push notifications for more applications. "We would love to see Apple open the background API also known as the VOIP privilege for more selected apps," said Dominique Leca, co-founder of Sparrow.

Sparrow is an email client which is available to users of Mac and iOS. They had to charge users to get push notifications which highlight new emails because Apple refused Sparrow access to their server.

Apple refused to change their attitude even after users signed a petition to bring about the change.Let’s hope that Apple relaxes its policies in the future.

8. An OS X update that would enable multi-screen support when applications are in full screen mode:

Mac users cannot have multiple applications running on the full screen mode. The problem is not huge but it makes multitasking difficult for developers most of whom use multi-screens.

It would make working much better if apple could develop an update which will allow multi-screen support even if applications are in full screen mode.

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